Friday, January 8, 2010

You are Invited

I almost threw myself a pity party yesterday, complete with blue streamers and "woe is me" punch. Luckily I connected with some friends who helped me to realize how good I actually had it. What happened was that I "forgot" to write a gratitude list! When I skimp on my daily spiritual practice (morning prayer, meditation, writing and gratitude) I begin to focus on the problems I face, which are really luxury problems. One of the pipes in my house is leaking and my toilet isn't working and I live on my own so I have to deal with the icky stuff myself. That is the only thing that I can consider difficult today. And I was feeling sorry for myself. So I set out to address invitations to my pity party. I figured I could have snacks and maybe a game or two. I am writing this sitting in front of a fire in my beautiful apartment on a gorgeous, crisp, winter day. I have a brilliant red cardinal visiting my feeder and two cats curled up on my lap. And all I have to do is call the plumber. Yes, I am getting over myself. I will write my gratitude list, offer up a prayer of thanks to God for this fabulous life, eat a nice nutritious lunch and watch the cardinals at the feeder. Time to put those invites away, until next time.

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